Reimert 306 2024-2025 Social Hosting

What do I do if I am social hosting?

If it is your day to social host and 306 is registerd, be on the lookout for an email about when and where to report to the registered events meeting with campus safety, only one social host must be in attendance. Following this meeting, be prepared to be in 306 for the meeting with the RA's at 8:30. During the event, ensure that two of the three of you are outside by the door, while one is inside. Make sure all social hosts have their yellow bandana on them at all times.

What you can find in the tabs

View Your Schedule

In this section, you can find the schedule of any person eligible to social host for 306 in the fall of 2024 or the spring of 2025. Those eligible consist of any sophomore, junior, or senior that is a member of the Ursinus Baseball Team as of August 8th, 2024 and has undergone social host training in the beginning of the semester and will be a full time student in a given semester. To find your schedule, just type your name in the search bar and submit to see the over 21 social host, the under 21 social hosts, and the date in which you are social hosting. If you are unable to social host on your assigned date, reach out to someone for a trade and text David with any trade that has been made.

View the Full Schedule

Here you will similary be able to access the schedule of social hosts. However, you will be able to search by date to see the over 21 social host and under 21 social hosts for any date selected. This can be useful in finding someone to trade your assigned social host date with.